What Problems
We Help You Solve

  • Poor Lead Quality From Facebook Ads after iOS14

Your facebook ad campaigns are all over the place in terms of who it brings in as a lead. The applications and bookings are not good and you are not getting any clients, profit or growth from Facebook.

  • Rising cost per lead or appointment From Facebook Ads after iOS14

Out of nowhere your Facebook Ad costs have increased. You're no longer able to profitably acquire new leads or customers...

  • Facebook Ads suddenly stopped converting...

Your were one of the lucky few who were able to generate some clients from Facebook Ads but out of nowhere your Facebook campaigns just stopped converting. The more money you invest the less returns you get and the ads only last 14 days due to all the competition on Facebook.

  • Inconsistent Lead Generation From Organic Marketing or Referrals

You've tried various methods of getting clients online from YouTube channels, facebook groups, zoom lives and podcast but nothing is consistent and all you hear are crickets.

  • You're Trying to Grow your Business with Free Advice From Gurus on YouTube

While YouTube is a great resource of information, it's often filled with fluff and cookie cutter advice that can harm your business more than help it.

  • You've Paid Marketing Agencies to Make Your Problems Go Away But It Never Works

Most marketing agencies sell the dream of DONE-FOR-YOU marketing where they overpromise and under deliver. You've realized after $1000s of dollars lost on agencies that no-one can fix your marketing and sales but YOU.

  • You've Bought A Course on How To Get Clients Through Paid Ads But It Didn't work

We love courses and information, however most courses are a 1 size fits all product that only looks to teach you on certain topics, not guarantee you results.

Latest Wins From Some Of Our Best Clients

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Disclaimer: All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results. Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. 

What Others Say About Working With Kim Blanc & The Adsvisore.com Team

Steve Gordon

We've closed $75,000 worth of business
and got deals out for another $30,000!

Susan Lassiter-Lyons

I'm still getting a 4X ROI on my ads
so it's just been a HUGE WIN for me!

Grant Gaudes

We hit a 22X ROI off our first round of ads!
for every $1 we spent, we brought in $22

Chris Lynton

Our biggest problem now is finding new sales closers
more people to handle the calls and leads!

John Reh

We're getting a new client every other day
and we could do more than that!

Bobby Goodwin

We got new clients from the ads within 24 hours
that was our first WIN !

Josh Williams

We secured over $20,000 in upfront fees
and a revenue share worth $100k+!

Rick Friesen

We're 2 clients away from $500,000!
We're closing 20% of every call that comes in the door!

Christian D Evans

Last week at had a $15,000 week!
the quality of our booked calls are FANTASTIC.

Natalia YungerLevi

The first week we brought in 5-6 clients!
And in the second week we brought in 4 more...

Melanie Power

We're landing $24k mastermind closing
Consistently and predictably !

Tim Descoteaux

We scaled to $1.01M in just under 12 months!
Kim doubled our business!

Naomi Green

I'm getting daily high-ticket coaching applications
and enrolling new clients!

Manish Gupta

We've got $18,000 in the pipeline !
While still working on our offer and funnel.

Brett Harris

We're getting perfect applications for our programs
and our lead cost keeps dropping lower!

Vivien Tse

I'm getting so many good leads, it's crazy !
It's all happening so fast.

Sameem Rouhani

We scaled from $80k a month to $300k a month!
We're really grateful for Kim's support.

George Kairu Kihara

We're consistently getting leads and booked calls!
So now we're scaling up and 2xing our budget.

Jim Wertz

We generated $15k just from our email list
and excited for what's to come!

Tyson Johnson

We hit $20k in revenue and keep getting applications!
While only spending $5k. That's a 4X ROI!

Chris Anastasio

We're getting 10 high quality booked calls per week!
Every other day we're seeing more on the calendar.

Jessica Wertz

I'm getting leads for my Facebook Group for $2!
These are performing really well and are dialed in.
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This site is not a part of the YouTube, Google or Facebook website; Google Inc or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by YouTube, Google or Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. YOUTUBE is a trademark of GOOGLE Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures and results discussed on this page and our call are our personal results and in some cases the sales figures and results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. Adsvisore is not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who watches “how to” information webinars or books calls get little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

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